Physical Skill Competency Checks (valid until 31 August 2020)

NAPPI uk is closely monitoring the latest guidance from the government on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

At a time of continuing uncertainty and with Health and Social Care services remaining in lockdown, there is naturally an increase in the factors that cause stress.

This is particularly difficult for individuals who have limited coping strategies and through no fault of their own are having the very things that help them cope - removed from their lives.  However hard care employees work at primary prevention strategies, they too are under immense pressure at a time when their stress levels are being tested.  Unfortunately the reality is that behaviour of concern is likely to increase.  At the very time you need your employees training in Positive Behaviour Support to avoid the presence and escalation of Behaviour of Concern, is the time that training in groups is to be avoided.

The NAPPI Solution at a time of crisis 

We understand that employees want to protect themselves against the virus. However, we also recognise the continued need to provide training in physical interventions to enable employees to physically protect themselves, and those they support.  

Physical Skill Competency Checks

To support our direct-training and On-Site organisations, NAPPI uk have a process to complete standardised competency checks on employees’ ability to perform Physical Interventions and Restrictive Physical Interventions.

This is an interim measure of a short-term extension to existing certification during our current crisis.  A physical skill Competency Check completed in a standardised way, will provide evidence that an employee has:

NAPPI Onsite Trainers are authorised to deliver these competency checks that will be certified until the 31st August. However, trainers are advised to resume essential training ahead of this date in line with guidance provided in each trainer’s account. A training plan should prioritise staff members with a recent competency check, and those approaching the end of their certification period to ensure wherever possible certification is continuous.

Please see full details within your Trainer Accounts.  

NAPPI Clients, please contact one of the NAPPI team for information on 01723 353353 or email