Equality & Diversity Awareness


The aim of this training is to increase awareness of what is meant by Equality and Diversity. We all have a fundamental right to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have the ability to live and work without prejudice.

Good communication is essential to ensure effective interaction between employees and service users. Those with a disability that affects their ability to communicate, or for those where English is not their first language, may struggle. We need to ensure that communication with individuals and families uses information in a language and format that is suitable for their needs and not be discriminatory.

The unfolding crisis of Coronavirus risks deepening inequalities. It does not discriminate, but impacts upon each individual’s life in different ways. It affects the fundamental right of access to culture and the protection of diversity of cultural expression.

This workshop is a stand-alone-course that has strong links to the NAPPI Positive Behaviour Support continuum. The more staff are aware about how an individual has been affected by Equality and Diversity issues, the more that can be done to empower them to have a better quality of life.

This awareness workshop is suitable for all. It is a pre-requisite for those wanting to progress to become a Equality & Diversity Awareness trainer.

NAPPI Remote Delivery

The awareness session is three-hours long, delivered over two 90 minute blocks.

  • Block 1: Discrimination; Protected Characteristics; Stereotypes and Prejudice
  • Block 2: Scale of Prejudice; Diversity; Language; Strategies to Advance E&D

This award is a stand-alone-course that has strong links to the NAPPI Positive Behaviour Support Model. The more employees are aware about how an individual has been affected, the more that can be done to reduce behaviour of concern and empower them to have a better quality of life.

Awareness Workshop Price

The cost of booking a Closed Zoom session for a group of up to 18 participants is: £600 + VAT.

The cost of booking an In-person delivery for a group of up to 18 participants is: £600 + VAT + expenses.

Please contact info@nappiuk.com for a quote.

Become a Equality & Diversity Trainer

As a trainer you will be licenced for 12 months to deliver the NAPPI Remote Delivery Epilepsy Awareness course. You will be provided with:

  • A comprehensive trainer guide on how to deliver the session remotely
  • The pdf to support the remote delivery
  • Access to your own Trainer Account to process training
  • Participant registration forms and assessment tracking document
  • An Organisation Account to oversee all training
  • Auditing of all training courses that you deliver
  • An Internal Quality Assurance Report on your documentation
  • Issue of unlimited individualised certificates.

Awareness Trainer Pricing:

  1. Attend the Awareness topic by NAPPI Remote Delivery
  2. Complete the NAPPI Online Facilitator Development programme (Note: not required for those who are NAPPI trainers, or can evidence a teaching/training qualification)
  3. Purchase annual trainer licence @ £325 + VAT per topic

Online Facilitator Development programme

Click here for further details and dates.

Contact Us

   Call 01723 353353 to speak to NAPPI uk