
Pre-positioning is the specific placement by care staff of their body to assess and prevent potential resistance, and to minimise the impact should resistance occur.

The way employees approach an individual, and how they position themselves during delivery of essential care, will play a vital role in reducing the likelihood of resistance. On those occasions when resistance does occur, employees need to recognise the often-subtle differences between confusion and physical resistance.

Employees who can identify the source of pressure that leads to resistance, can be proactive and avoid adding more pressure.

  • They will consider how to approach an individual with equipment, such as a hoist or wheelchair.
  • They will plan how to approach care-based activities, such as catheter-care or taking blood.
  • They will consider how to support every-day care activities, such as assisting with eating and drinking.

Pre-positioning skills are non-restrictive.
Instead, these skills focus upon effective body language, facial expressions, and approaching in a non-threatening manner to generate cooperation and reduce the likelihood of resistance. Three-hour direct-training can be delivered to those having completed the 6-hour Reducing Resistance to Essential Care course, delivered via Zoom or in-person.

In-person physical skills include:
  • Pre-positioning Standing
  • Pre-positioning Seated
  • Pre-positioning Laying (an appropriate, height-adjustable bed is required).


£600.00 +VAT for a group of up to 18 participants. Two courses delivered in the same day for £1010.00 +VAT.

Travel and accommodation additionally charged.

Please contact for a quote.

Contact Us

Please call and discuss your requirements, as if inspected by CQC, or in receipt of NHS funding, then your organisation may be required to demonstrate adherence to the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards (2019). NAPPI uk will support you with this process at no additional charge.

   Call 01723 353353 to speak to NAPPI uk