Trainer Specification (RRN)

Under the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) Training Standards, there are two kinds of trainer:

Senior Trainers

Senior trainers deliver training across multiple organisations and/or deliver training of trainer programmes. They will be employed (or paid) by a commercial training provider or employed within a service provider organisation such as an NHS Trust.

Associate Trainers 

Associate Trainers are those authorised by NAPPI uk to deliver NAPPI training within their own organisation. For example, a care or nursing home. Associate Trainers are required to adhere to the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards in the same way as Senior Trainers (those employed by NAPPI).  

The direct quality assurance of Associate Trainers is the responsibility of NAPPI.  As part of a continuous assessment process, NAPPI is required to provide evidence of its quality assurance monitoring processes, 20% of which are sampled by BILD ACT. 

Associate Trainer's status is non-transferrable across organisations, employers or other training organisations. Trainer certification is not transferable to other organisations. 


Trainer Specification

All trainers (Senior and Associate) must be able to evidence that they have experience and professional competence in supporting people in the sector in which they are delivering training. They must meet the following: 

First Aid
All trainers must hold current first aid certification, including immediate life support.

Note: NAPPI uk will need a current certificate of in-person training (online first aid training is not acceptable).

Professional Qualification

All trainers must have a professional qualification, or have completed a programme of relevant vocational training within health, education or social care.

Note: This will need to be at Level 3 or above e.g. Implement Positive Behaviour Support Level 3.


All trainers must have been continuously employed in a support or care role within social care, education or a health care environment, for a period of not less than two years. 

Continued Professional Development (CPD)  

Evidence of relevant CPD records of trainers must be kept by the training provider to ensure quality, knowledge and skills are maintained. 

All trainers are required to attend annual recertification training. 

All trainers must have at least one peer evaluation per year.

See Person Specification for On-site NAPPI Trainer.