Awareness Workshops

Dementia Awareness

The aim of this training is to increase awareness of Dementia. The Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia (2020) highlights the progress that has been made since Living Well With Dementia: a national dementia strategy (2009) and how they plan to move forward.

For more details on our Dementia Awareness workshops click here.

Epilepsy Awareness

The aim of this training is to increase awareness of Epilepsy. This awareness will help reduce the stigma and discrimination that still exists despite the introduction of the Equality Act (2010).

For more details on our Epilepsy Awareness workshops click here.

Mental Capacity Act Awareness

The aim of this training is to increase awareness of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). This awareness will help when developing strategies to support an individual to make decisions and reduce the risk of depriving someone of their liberty, especially during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

For more details on our Mental Capacity Act Awareness workshops click here.

Mental Health Awareness

The aim of this training is to increase awareness of what is meant by mental health. This is a concern for us all, as mental health problems are the most common cause of all health problems. However, mental illness remains steeped in stigma and fear.

For more details on our Mental Health Awareness workshops click here.

Safeguarding Adults Awareness

The aim of this training is to increase awareness of the types and forms of abuse to enable identification of preventative measures to avoid abuse and establish what should be done when abuse is suspected.

For more details on our Safeguarding Adults Awareness workshops click here.